Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
On major milestones, it is important to take time to reflect and assess who one is in life....
Your Score: Bert
You scored 77% Organization, 45% abstract, and 50% extroverted!

This test measured 3 variables.
First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean.
Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type.
Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself.
You are very organized, both concrete and abstract, and both introverted and extroverted.
Here is why are you Bert.
You are both very organized. You almost always know where your belongings are and you prefer things neat. You may even enjoy cleaning and find it therapeutic. Bert is a big neat freak and gets quite annoyed when Ernie makes a big mess.
You both are sometimes concrete and sometimes abstract thinkers. Bert is probably a bit more concrete in his bottlecap collecting addiction and his love of the weather. He does show his abstract side when he sings and performs his "Doin' The Pidgeon" song. You have a good balance in your life. You know when to be logical at times, but you also aren't afraid to explore your dreams and desires... within limits of course.
You are both somewhat introverted. Bert is probably more introverted, because he spends most of his time either with Ernie or alone. Still he has no problem being around other people in his role as chairman of "The National Association of 'W' Lovers." Like Bert, you probably like to have some time to yourself, but you do appreciate spending time with your friends, and you aren't scared of social situations.
Link: The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
This is why I came back.
Not that I have exactly questioned my choice, I know Seattle is the only place I wanted to come back to - but having no job, no car, buying basics again like pillowcases - it makes me wonder why I left in the first place. But after last night, it was a reminder of what the deepest parts of my soul were longing for during those long months in London - fellowship with these girls who know me and get me and can make me laugh so hard the empty space where my appendix used to be hurt. (On a side note, my bestest buddy Lucas, who I used to babysit before leaving Seattle, struggled so hard to understand why I had to get something taken out of me that didn't do anything in the first place, but he does love seeing my scar, and encourages me to show it to others at every opportunity)
In other updateish news, the transition has been rather smooth - albeit a transition. Jen has said multiple times "Next time I move, I'm getting my appendix out." Although there is a bit of a perk of having others be obligated to lift things for you, it really isn't all it's cracked up to be. My "unpacking" consists of removing things from a box, and then waiting around for Jen to come home so she can either (1) move another box from the area I want to put the aforementioned things or (2) move the box I just unpacked so I can get to the next box. And for an organizational freak like me, it's pure torture to have a bunch of heavy bins and boxes mocking me from their stacked positions in the corners of my room. I am one small step away from pulling out my label-maker and sticking "I will be moved into the closet" labels on everything.
And Happy Birthday to me! I awoke to freshly baked scones from Jen and a package of goodies mailed just in time by mom. Jen and I will be going blackberry picking in an hour or so (hooray for summer Seattle sun!). To celebrate, me and friends will be going to our traditional birthday celebration dessert place, B&O Espresso. I'm just happy to be another step further away from the dreaded "early 20's." Anyone object if my 26th Birthday Wish is for an uneventful 27th year? More to come.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Shall we stroll?

I love this one because of Karen's expression and because of the footie PJs.

I thought this one was appropriate considering recent events. That career dream didn't last long when I found out the stethoscopes weren't really bright orange, blue, and red.
What does Lynn do when she has limited mobility?
I call this one... "tulip"
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Meh, I didn't really want it anyway....
It all started with me getting a FULL DAY off of work (which is a huge deal, considering we are in week two of Day Camp). Apparently I am more expendable then I thought (to be confirmed later). I decided to be a good big sister and drive out to Manteca to help with the moving of furniture and redistribution of goods. Started feeling iffy on the way over (blamed it on coffee on a nearly empty stomach) and when I arrived, I had to immediately lie down. Fast forward to what I thought was the worst case of stomach flu ever in existence. There were two luckilies in this case. Luckily #1, Karen and Stephen had been offered the house of one of their pastor's and their family who were out on vacation. Their apartment wasn't ready when it should have been, so what started as a place for Karen and Stephen to stay turned into a place for Lynn to lie on the couch all day (and frequent visits to the very tastefully decorated bathroom, ahem). Luckily #2, there was an all day marathon of Law and Order on TNT.
By the next afternoon, I was stable enough to make the hour and a half drive home (probably one of my least favourite drives EVER) but by the evening, the pain from the 24 hour cramping was still there. Mom had the smartness to recognize that was unusual and called Super Doctor (also known as Uncle Ken) who made me poke my stomach and stand on my tip toes and drop suddenly to my heels. After confirming that yes, that indeed did hurt, A LOT, he recommended an immediate trip to the ER and get checked out for appendicitis. By 8:15 PM I was checking into the ER at Stanford and although we got a few eye rolls when I said "my uncle whose a dr said I should come in and get checked out" I was soon admitted into a bed...... in the hallway (it was a busy night). For the next six hours, I was dubbed "19 Hall." Surprisingly, I was able to fall asleep. Not surprisingly, one of the nurses recognized mom's Day Camp sweatshirt and they were soon chatting about MPPC (seriously, they are EVERYWHERE!). Fastforward two IV drips and a CAT scan later and the doctor walked up to my bed and said "Yep, it's what we thought, probably early appendicitis. We've called the surgeon on-call and they'll be over to talk to you." And walked away. Who in the what now?
And at this moment, I would like to review all that I am thankful for. First, that I was baby enough to whine about the pain instead of trying to cowboy up. Two, that mom had the wisdom to call Uncle Ken. Three, that Uncle Ken had the wisdom to interpret over the phone what was going on and to tell me what to do. Four, that we listened (even though Miss Lynn doesn't have health, you do the math). And Five, that Uncle Ken mentioned appendicitis right off the bat or else that news would have FREAKED me out.
There was an awful lot going through my head that long evening-early morning. First, that this was NOTHING like Grey's Anatomy, because my bed was right in between a supply closet and the staff break room and there was NO funny business going on in either place. Second, it is interesting the psychology of what an ER can do to you. At first, you kinda wish that there is something seriously wrong. Because I would have felt really really stupid if we had gone through all of this rigamarole for some residual stomach flu pains. Especially since the pain was decreasing throughout the night, but localizing in one spot (bottom right, which for all you non- med students is the indicator of appendicitis). And then, after sitting in the hallway for hours upon hours, just waiting, the severity of what appendicitis entails hits you and by the time you're getting buzzed through a CAT scan machine you want to shout out "I'm fine now! Really! That long wait in the ER cured me!" No such luck.
I won't continue on with details, because frankly, I was bored out of my mind so even I don't want to type it, let alone make someone read it. So, let me sum up: Successful surgery around 1:00 in the afternoon on Thursday. Freaked out in post-op recovery (you wake up with bright lights, rushing scrubs, intense side pain and an oxygen mask on, its a bit scary). It was confirmed, I did have (very) early appendicitis. Was discharged by Friday morning. I charmed the nurses and doctors with my big fat hippo, Tot. My biggest success is that I was able to do without vicotin after leaving the hospital and had my last extra strength Tylenol this morning. I'm still extremely sore (feels like a running cramp), but I'm doing ok. And now you are caught up. As you can see, there were many points in this story where things could have gone dastardly wrong (the one I like to focus on is how glad I am that I was not in London at the time). I'd love some prayers for speedy recovery and wisdom about appropriate time to move to Seattle. I'm not allowed to lift anything over ten pounds for six weeks. So, that Watermelon Throwing Contest is out.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
a royal blue silence
Yesterday as we were getting the last groups onto the bus and I was waiting on the curb to wave them off (I got permission to miss Ice Skating, which was a bummer because it would have been fun, but I had that pesky little thing of my normal job responsibilities to address). I noticed that about ten of the little tykes from the church's preschool were sitting in a straight line in the courtyard, where the groups had just left. At first my thought was, "bummer for them, they can't get out into the courtyard until we get out of their way." I then got caught up in the frustration of a kid who left her backpack in her room, and another who had a "need to go to the potty now" urge. The buses were already running late, and the bus boss was taking a while getting a count and all I could think of was as soon as they left I could tackle my huge To Do list. And then I looked back, and there were ten little pairs of eyes, staring back at me. Sitting cross-legged, patient as can be. I turned to a co-worker and she told me they liked to watch the buses drive off. That was it. These little ones were sitting still in anticipation of getting to have the privilege to wave goodbye to all these big kids. And lets be honest, if a three year old could patiently delay her coloring and sand-box time to wave goodbye to the buses, why couldn't I be just as patient?
Why is it, that after you've seen the inner workings of a childhood wonderment, it looses all it's power? When did big yellow buses loose their magic? In devotions this morning, my mom brought up the Fruit of the Spirit, and encouraged us to pick one to ask God for. And without a moments hesitation, I picked "joy." I want eyes wide open to see God working in these next two weeks, and not so focused on my watch and the To Do list.
And tomorrow is Great America, wish us luck.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
An Abbreviated Version
I'm not in London anymore. I stopped posting when I didn't have to procrastinate on studying anymore. Now that I am procrastinating on editing my CV and applying for jobs, I've found the time to blog again.
Sigh, mothers can be so truthful sometimes.
Your carbon-scarring seems quite prominent.......
After a clarifying week at home over Easter, I made the decision to withdraw from my graduate program. I have done a great disservice to this blog in my lack of authenticity about how miserable I really was with the academic components of my life in London (which was the primary purpose for being there). Blog entries (defined in my head) were just for funny stories and updates, and the idea of posting "I slept in until 1:00pm again, because the last thing I want to do is face my reading" was really depressing. I think too there was an element that to write it out for all to see would make it real, and I was certain I was doing something wrong that made it so hard. I made some lifestyle adjustments, in hopes that it would clear up a few of the challenges to free up some more emotional bandwidth, and ended up with a really fun job (making coffee at a cafe run by a neighborhood church) and a good, comfortable place to live (far away from the neightmares of campus housing). With those things in the "helpful" category, instead of the "rather poke myself in the eye with a spoon than deal with it" category, I was able to see with great clarity that what I was left with was a bunch of academic material I did not have any passion for, minimal interaction with my advisers, professors and classmates, and a dissertation project I was months behind in without any hope of finding a topic I'd be excited to pursue. I struggled with the questions like "should I stick with it, because in the end I'll have a MA degree?" and "I'm not a quitter! Am I?" but in the end realized this academic program was not a good fit for me, and to force a bad fit for six more months would create more regrets than leaving without that degree. As all the cards fell, I decided to stay in London until mid-June (the time Karen and Stephen had already planned to come out for some UK travel before their Ethiopia adventure). That would leave me with two months to continue working, explore the world around me free of academic related guilt, and give London a chance to woo me back so when I looked back, I'd remember it fondly.
And it worked! After making the decision I felt an immense amount of peace, I began to sleep well, and I woke up each morning excited for what was next. Everyone I knew in London asked me what was different the minute they saw me. Many remarked how happy and peaceful I looked. I'll save more details for another time, but highlights included a four day bus tour of Scotland with my good school friend Heather, a yarn workshop/adventure with knitting buddy Ginger in northern England, a whole week in Morocco visiting Seattle-friend Jonelle, and of course, a weekend in Italy with Karen and a weekend in Ireland with Karen and Stephen. I had more weekends out of the city than I did in. As my days filled up with joyful things to look forward to, I was able to invest in the time I had in London. I spent time at my job, enjoying the staff and customers (and the free coffee). I explored London on my own. Most trips were well documented at
God is so good, and His timing is perfect. Two months were just enough time to get to do all the things on my "Must Do" list, spend quality time with the people I would miss, and was ready to leave when the time came. Right now, I am in California, having fun in Children's Ministries as their Interim Assistant Program Director for Preschool. Dad and I watch all the CSI we can stomach. Mom and I play Settlers of Catan with the new expansion pack she got for Christmas (hooray for random Game Shops in London). On July 29th, after I have helped CM pack up Elementary Day Camp I will pack up the mini-van with my own stuff and head up to Seattle to rebuild a life. Luckily, I already have the two most important things you need in life: a fabulous place to live, and a community of believers. I've got both. Eagerly awaiting God to reveal His plan for the rest of it, but right now my biggest stress is if I am going to paint my new room or not. Many thanks to all of you who have been praying me through this adventure. And it's just beginning.